Salmon Fishing
Salmon fishing in Port Hardy is very popular across Canada. It is an amazing experience that begins in May and extends through the end of September. If you ever want to go salmon fishing in Port Hardy, you should contact us today!
Our Salmon Fishing Schedule
The Coho and Chinook salmon begin to arrive in large numbers during June and early July. The Coho salmon weigh 6 - 10 pounds (3 - 4.5 kg), while the Chinook salmon usually weight 10 - 45 pounds (4.5 - 20.5 kg).
Salmon fishing in Port Hardy in August is ideal for larger Chinook, Coho, and Pink salmon, as well as the occasional Sockeye and Chum salmon. Salmon of 20 pounds or more are common while those weighing 60 pounds are not unheard of.
September is a big month for salmon fishing in Port Hardy, as it's when the Northern Coho salmon begin their impressive return.
Good to know …
The name “King Salmon” refers to Chinook salmon, which are also known as Spring or Blackmouth. The term “Tyee” is used to describe a salmon that is larger than 30 pounds (13.6 kg). While, the scrappy Coho salmon are also known as “Silver Salmon”.
Why Fish with Us?
There are a lot of reasons why people choose us for salmon fishing. Here are 3 reasons that bring people to fish for salmon in Port Hardy.
We have great fishing all year. The route that most fish travel is the destination of our Vancouver Island fishing charter.
Salmon fishing begins in mid-May and continues until the end of September. From early June, Chinook are plentiful.
You can’t beat the scenery from our boat/office.
Salmon Fishing Tips
Troll for salmon at a depth of 40 to 200 feet using an Anchovy rig or a spoon. Slow down to 1-1.5 knots when fishing a cut-plug Herring. If you want to fish a sliced Herring, seek out a secluded location away from the crowds and go at a slower rate of speed (usually around 2-3 knots). If you're going too slow on the Salmon tack, other fishermen may heckle you, and who wants to fish in a crowd anyhow!!
The Pink Salmon are generally seen in July and then vanish until fall. Duval, Castle, and Masterman points are three good options. Expect some fast-paced action if you spot fish on the surface; get ready for some exciting fishing!
In a fishing trip, you can use an anchor fish, purple haze, or pink hoochie to attract Pink salmon. Between 30 and 70 feet deep troll for Pink salmon with a green flasher. If you're using a spoon or a flasher, trolled at 2-3 knots is typically sufficient. Pink salmon may be caught by chance while fishing for Chinook, Coho, or Sockeye Salmon.